(jeans: SXY JNS/ blouse: P&B / vest: ZARA / sneakers: ASH "bowie" / glasses: ASOS / necklace: MAJORCA PEARLS)
Say hello to my completely fail photo shoot for today's blog LOL...I guess this isn't so bad for a cellphone picture huh? I don't know what am i going to do without my camera...oh well!
We took this picture while we were leaving a really good restaurant on the road...the sun was going down so I couldn't help take a few shots!
Saluda a mi completa fallida sesiĆ³n de fotos para el blog de hoy LOL....Creo que no esta tan mal para una foto que se tomo con un cel huh? No se que voy a hacer sin mi camara...oh bueno!
Tomamos esta fotografia mientras saliamos de un buen restaurant en la carretera...el sol se estaba yndo y no pude evitar sacar unas tomas!
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