

I wish i had more pictures but the person who took this ones, let's say "doesn't have the skills of a photographer"....what am i going to do? The reason that i don't upload a lot of pictures its because i don't have someone who can take them for me...i know..it's sad! (Also the internet conection in mexico sucks and it always have problems)
The life as a blogger/vlogger here is really hard because most of the people don't understand what you do so they judge you at first sight...LAME! But guess what? I DON'T CARE!

BAG: Steve Madden

Ojala tuviera mas fotografias pero la persona que tomo estas, digamos que "no tiene las habilidades de un fotografo"...Que voy a hacer? La razon por la cual no subo muchas fotografias es que no tengo a alguien que pueda tomarlas por mi...lo se...que triste! (Ademas el internet en mexico apesta y siempre tiene problemas)
La vida como blogger/vlogger es muy dificil porque la mayoria de la gente no entiende que es lo que haces y te juzgan a primera instancia...BLAH! Pero que crees? NO ME IMPORTA!

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